18 May, 2014

Who will pay for climate change?

Who pays for climate change?

Well, in an absolute sense, we will all “pay” for damaging the earth’s atmosphere, but for the moment we are caught up on what is in fact little more than a distraction.

Modernity has evolved in such a way that it seems that property and its ownership, and the resultant financial implications interfere with humanity ever reaching a point at which it will it will stand as one to mitigate the force that is climate change.

Our addiction to the market and our subsequent belief that everything has a dollar-value is a frustration, but that compulsion may be the key to finding a solution as through it we are at least considering and discussion the reality.

Just of late, a major insurance company is acting against many municipalities in the U.S. for failing to prepare against severe rains and flooding that are clearly a manifestation of climate change.

In a story headed: “Climate change lawsuits filed against some 200 US communities” the Christian Science Monitor discusses class action lawsuits.

That is fine, but sadly we don’t need long, drawn out court battles over a situation that demands sweeping “on the ground” action right now, rather than more talk in court rooms.

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