12 July, 2014

Beneath the Wisteria skills and knowledge on show in Tatura

Tatura’s late August “Day of conversations and film” draws heavily on Beneath the Wisteria supporters.

Prof Kate Auty.
Prof David
Four of the five speakers engaged for the day are supporters of the Shepparton-based group.
Although they have never been to a Beneath the Wisteria gathering in Shepparton’s Maude St, those on the mail-out list include: the University of Melbourne's  Professor David Karoly; the founder and convenor the Melbourne-based Climate and Health Alliance, Fiona Armstrong; Victoria’s former Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability and now a Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Professor Kate Auty; and a sociologist from the University of Melbourne, Dr Hans Baer.
Fiona Armstrong.
The fifth speaker is Professor Peter Seligman who was a key member of the team that developed the Australian bionic ear.
All five will speak to a particular film and will be available to answer questions and conversation.
Films to be shown on the day include: “The Earth Wins”, “The Human Cost of Power”, “The Power of Community”, “Done with the Wind – sorting the fact from the fiction”.
The program, starting at 10:00am with registration from 9:00am, will also include a number of short films ranging from just a few minutes.

Dr Hans Baer.
Tatura’s Terry Court (also a committed supporter of Beneath the Wisteria) will also make a short presentation about a new and important energy project for the town; a project that could be the first step in achieving energy independence for the town.

Tatura Transition Towns has organized the “Day of conversations and film” and president, Ross Musolino, has booked the Hogan St “Gallery Café” for the event.
Ross said: “Transition Tatura brings to the Goulburn Valley community our inaugural film festival.
“It’s a day of conversations and films; a format that includes inspiring speakers, short films and time for both facilitated and free conversation.
Prof Peter
“If your interest is shaping the future for healthier communities, livelihoods and fun founded on initiatives that rebuild resilience and reduce emissions then this is the event for you,” Ross said.
A charge of $25 covers the full day, including morning and afternoon tea and a light lunch. People can book online by visiting Ticket Booth.
Those with any questions about the “Day of conversations and film” can contact Ross at 0407 845 247 or Mark Banting at markb@gvwater.vic.gov.au.


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