19 July, 2014

Pragmatism, Ukraine, climate change and Tony Abbott

-       Robert McLean

My pragmatism will most certainly draw criticism, but it will only be through adherence to realistic, hard-headed, sensible and reasonable views that humanity stands any chance of avoiding the worst of climate change.

The wreckage of flight MA17.
Considering that, let’s reflect the decision of the Abbott-led coalition to abandon the carbon pricing mechanism and the shooting down of the Malaysian airlines flight MA17 that seem unrelated and, of course they are.

Tony Abbott, who has made all the appropriate political noises and who, no doubt as a fellow human to the near 300 killed, including 28 Australians, was personally distressed.

However Mr Abbott and his coalition government stand to profit from what happened in the Ukraine – latest ABC story here: “Russia faces UN condemnation as fallout from Malaysia Airlines attack continues”.

The Ukraine incident is a wonderful example of man’s inability to detach itself from what is of personal critical importance and consider their behaviour in the greater scheme of what is happening in the world.

In not condoning for a second the behaviour of those who shot down flight MA17, but we need to remember that compared to the devastation that climate change will bring, the death of those people is insignificant.

However, the emotive response of most, especially the world’s news institutions, and social media, which have been alive with reports, news, views and opinions, pushing the devastating decision by the Abbott Government off the front page into the news wastelands.

The government’s decision to remove the carbon charging mechanism, the most significant and most important first step by Australia to abate and mitigate carbon dioxide emissions has now disappeared, almost entirely, from the agenda.

Tony Abbott would be smiling for he has achieved his prime per-election promise and now unconnected world events have conspired to supplant it as a news story.

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