16 April, 2016

Questionable morals and greed result in Climate Change

More people are blowing the whistle.
With all the recent talk in Australia about banks, ethics and culture, it is worth noting the disturbing results of a survey into workplace ethics in the financial services industry in Britain and the US that reveals ethics are going backwards despite beefed-up regulation and penalties.

It is a fascinating survey, particularly in light of the recent financial scandals in Australia and the debate about the merits or otherwise of a royal commission into the financial services sector.

‘The more money earned, the more unethical the behaviour is likely to be’

Indeed, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull himself recently called out the banks' culture of greed. He made it clear they needed to look at their culture to ensure it wasn't motivated by only profit and high salaries, and that "honest employees should be rewarded, not punished, for blowing the whistle on crooked colleagues".

Read Adela Ferguson’s opinion piece in “BusinessDay” in today’s Melbourne Age - “Ethics forgotten amid culture of greed and code of silence.”

(The unethical morals and greed appear to arise from and so support the world’s prevailing capitalist economic system seem to recline in comfort with circumstances that have colluded to manifest as climate change. Bluntly, climate change, that is the damage caused to the equilibrium of earth’s climate system, is the outcome of our misunderstanding of prioritizing private wants ahead of public needs – Robert McLean.)

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