25 August, 2016

Intense floor debate before extension of greenhouse gas Bill

After an intense floor debate, a bill extending California’s greenhouse gas emission targets squeaked by in the Assembly on Tuesday.

Senate Bill 32 was seen as a crucial step for reauthorizing the state’s cap-and-trade program. Gov. Jerry Brown, who said he will sign the measure once it is approved by the Senate, attempted to include an amendment specifically extending cap-and-trade authority but was rebuffed by lawmakers.

The bill now requires a 40 percent reduction from 1990 levels by 2030. The current climate law, AB 32, required the state to reach 1990 levels by 2020.

“With SB 32 we continue California’s leadership on climate change,” said Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, D-Paramount. Rendon acknowledged that the bill does not expressly extend the cap-and-trade program, but said it was “a piece of the puzzle” and that he is committed to continuing the program.

The bill, which cleared the lower house 42-29 – one vote more than the 41-vote minimum – pitted the oil industry against environmentalists in heavy lobbying, and is almost certain to be approved by the Senate.

Read The Sacramento Bee story - “California Assembly approves climate change law.”

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