30 August, 2016

Using circular economies to fight food waste

Bernadette McCabe - she wants us to recover
and do something useful with food waste.
Around 4 million tonnes of food reaches landfill in Australia each year. This forms part of Australia’s organic waste, the country’s largest unrecovered stream of waste that goes into landfill.

There’s a missed opportunity here to recover this waste and do something useful with it. In particular, we can use it for energy such as biofuel. This forms part of a broader concept known as the “circular economy”.

In the absence of federal initiatives, state and local governments and communities are developing projects to foster a circular economy that can absorb this and other waste. This would then provide usable products to assist businesses and households and improve sustainability.

Read the piece on The Conversation by the Associate Professor and Principal Scientist at the University of Southern Queensland, Bernadette McCabe - “Australian communities are fighting food waste with circular economies.”

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