03 September, 2016

Authority splits over report commissioned by Coalition

Climate Change Authority members Anthea
 Harris, Professor David Karoly and Professor
 Clive Hamilton in 2012. Karoly and
Hamilton plan to issue a dissenting
 report on how the government
can meet its emissions reduction target.
A Climate Change Authority review charged with advising the government on how to meet its climate change commitments has led to an unprecedented split in its top ranks, with two of the body’s 11 members writing a dissenting “minority report”.

Guardian Australia understands the official Climate Change Authority report will recommend Australia adopt an intensity-based trading scheme for electricity generators.

A similar scheme was taken to the 2016 election by the Labor party, and was also proposed by Malcolm Turnbull in 2009 when he was opposition leader. Many believe it is a promising way to form a bipartisan approach to climate policy.

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