03 September, 2016

Reading about transit for a warming world

Transportation: It’s what delivers you to your job and back, brings fresh fruit to your breakfast table, and offers you an escape to a tropical vacation.

But the cars, trucks, trains, and planes that make such a lifestyle possible also generate plenty of greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation sector accounted for more than a quarter of total U.S. emissions in 2014.

To cut those emissions, transportation will need to change, radically. Solutions could include a greater reliance on self-driving cars, rails, and plain old walking. The books in this month’s edition of the YCC Bookshelf take an in-depth look at those approaches and others, drawing on national and global expertise to paint a picture of how you might get around on a warming planet.

Read the Yale Climate Connections  story - “Bookshelf:Transit for a Warming World.”

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