02 September, 2016

Record winter rain brings hope to drought-ravaged western Queensland

Three years of severe drought and then
 the wettest winter on record.
The wettest winter on record in Longreach has lifted spirits and seen optimism return to a region ravaged by three years of severe drought.

"The whole town was excited and I haven't experienced that before," said Sue Hegarty, from Colanya Station.

"That's how bad this drought was. It was affecting everybody ... there was so much relief when it finally decided to rain."

The Longreach airport recorded 262mm of rain over winter, more than five times its average for the season.

"Whatever that green does, it's just so much easier on the eye," grazier Mary te Kloot said.

Ms te Kloot and her husband John live at Marmboo Station, about 100km north-west of Longreach

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