27 September, 2016

Today's greenhouse gas levels could result in up to 7 degrees of warming

Carolyn Synder - possible 7
degrees of warming.
The longest continuous reconstruction of the Earth's surface climate suggests that current greenhouse gas levels could commit the planet to as much as 7 degrees of warming in the next 1000 years.

The study, Evolution of global temperature over the past 2 million years, was conducted by Stanford University then doctoral student Carolyn Snyder, and marks the longest continuous reconstruction of the Earth's surface climate to date.

It comes as a national poll found public support for federal government-led action on climate change has bounced back, with increased support for renewable energy production.

The Climate Institute's Climate of the Nation poll found 65 per cent of Australians want their country to lead the world on climate change solutions, a marked increase since the time of divisive debates about the Gillard government's carbon tax.

Read Lucy Cormack’s story in today’s Melbourne Age - “Today's greenhouse gas levels could result in up to 7 degrees of warming.”

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