14 March, 2017

'Just thinking' - Alan English

Alan English is the oldest semi-regular to attend Beneath the Wisteria - he and I have been "sparring partners" for years - and here he reflects on a few things that crowd his mind.

Just thinking - there are so many unanswered questions.

From philosophy to religion to the day to day experiences and the struggle to meet the needs of each day there is the dilemma of what does it all mean.
Love, for anything or anyone, is a
 fuzzy word if it has no substance.
 At the bottom of the food chain high minded questions are not asked.  To survive hostilities, displacement as a refuge or to be just plain hungry without adequate shelter is bleak. It comes as a surprise to realise that so called advanced nations have unemployed and homeless people.  The motive by big business to create profit margins for their rich share holders puts the squeeze on employees who may become redundant. Justice and injustice are catch cries, but who is listening. To any who are adequately provided for-- listening to the woes of those on the bread line is not usually a priority? Giving lip service and at best token donations is hardly a major response to those in peril. 
What have we to say for ourselves? With three meals a day and a roof over our head, warm in winter and made cool in summer, even if earning a living and paying a mortgage is necessary life has its better moments. Holiday breaks either public or that provided by employment are a comfort.  Who then is reflecting upon more serious aspects of life? Yes, a proportion of our community is committed to the betterment of society in many ways.  If only we were all equally eager to bring about radical changes how much better that would be. Unfortunately we are creatures of habit. Also we fall into patterns of culture, sometimes good and sometimes harmful. One might think that being religious would be an advantage but tradition is entrenched more than anyone is prepared to admit. Overall there is good to be found and a way for living can be experienced.  However compassion and justice belong to no one people. Atheists can equally express such concern.  Environmentalists with a concern for the restoration of our natural resources and who plead for action to stabilise the climate are a voice that seen more as eccentrics than one of genuine lament.  Who then are the stupid ones?
Why is there some expectation of an after-life when a whole hearted effort is not made in making this world the very best that is possible?  We are owed nothing. It can be a comfort to those in grief. Let it rest at that. There is work to be done now. No one of us will bring wars to cease, or meet the needs of starving millions, or give comfort to victims of hostilities, but there many organisations to which we can offer our support. We would like to think that those in government would show responsibility by leading the way. Unfortunately economics and national security are given priority over that of social reform or improving the health of our planet. A question such as the meaning of life is relevant. However being assured that we have both a sustainable world and one of harmony to live with one another needs to be our priority. Love is a fuzzy word if it has no substance.
Wisdom, where and when will we find it? Unlikely in youth; middle years sometimes or in age sometimes, but being blind to the major issues of our time remains yet to be resolved. 

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