28 August, 2017

Malcolm Turnbull to announce millions in funding for Snowy Hydro 2.0 pet project

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to announce millions in extra funding for his pet project, Snowy Hydro 2.0, after visiting the power station on Monday morning.

Malcolm Turnbull at the Snowy
Hydro power station in March.
The money will be spent on meeting some of the cost of the $29 million feasibility study and will come from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. 

It represents a major new investment from the federal government, which has only committed $500,000 so far to the project, despite Mr Turnbull frequently championing Snowy Hydro 2.0 as a game-changer for the east coast electricity market.

Read James Massola’s story in today’s Melbourne Age - “Malcolm Turnbull to announce millions in funding for Snowy Hydro 2.0 pet project.”

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