27 September, 2017

Beneath the Wisteria on Saturday

Saturday’s Beneath the Wisteria falls on the same day as the AFL grand final.

Beneath the Wisteria"s
Robert McLean.
However, Beneath the Wisterians will still gather at the northern end of Shepparton’s Maude St  Mall at 11:00 am to hear a report about, and discuss, the recent national Transition Communities summit held in Melbourne.

The summit, organized by the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), brought together Transition  Towns representatives from many part of Australia to discuss and hear about the movements’ latest innovations.

Transition Towns founder, Rob Hopkins, spoke at the summit, via a pre-recorded video clip, emphasising the need to people to continue with the ideals of helping build resilience into their respective communities.

The movement began at Totnes, in the United Kingdom, in 2006 in response to concerns about oil shortages (peak oil) and climate disruption with the aim of creating a degree of self reliance within communities.

Beneath the Wisteria convenor, Robert McLean, represented Tatura Transition Towns at the two-day summit will discuss the event, how communities are responding to the climate challenge and building the necessary resilience.

Saturday’s gathering starts at 11:00 am, lasts for about an hour, is free, and open to all comers. Some public seating is available, but those attending are advised to bring a folding chair.

More information from Robert at 0400  502 199 or via email.

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