02 September, 2017

Energy policy: power companies could remotely turn down your appliances in exchange for cash

Power companies would remotely turn down home airconditioners and swimming pool pumps to cut power use on hot summer days in exchange for cash rewards for consumers, under a plan by Australia's energy watchdog.
The Australian Energy Regulator hopes the draft
plan will encourage power companies to help
 consumers reduce electricity use. 
The Australian Energy Regulator wants power utilities to increase electricity supply by helping consumers use less, rather than building expensive new poles, wires and other infrastructure and passing the cost on to customers.

Amid soaring power bills, rising greenhouse gas emissions and the risk of blackouts, the regulator this week released a draft plan to give incentives to electricity distributors who manage the power use of consumers.

As well as saving customers money, experts say so-called "demand management" could deliver far more capacity than the Turnbull government's proposed $2 billion Snowy Hydro expansion.

Read Nicole Hasham’s story in today’s  Melbourne Age - “Energy policy: power companies could remotely turn down your appliances in exchange for cash.”

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