30 December, 2018

Australian voters have every reason to be cynical

The summer period comes with many different traditions. For our family Christmas, breakfast is the main event with everyone gathering together for platters of fruit, Christmas ham, fried eggs, croissants, juice and sparkling wine and secret santa. It’s political fights with my dad. It’s trips to the beach, prawn sandwiches on the veranda as the sun sets, it’s a time for recharging your batteries and reflecting on the year that’s been before looking ahead to the year to come.
Steam billows from the cooling towers at TRUenergy
 Holdings Pty's Yallourn coal-fired power station in
Yallourn, Australia. 
Every year, most people I know feel like they’ve just managed to scrape through until they get a break at Christmas. This year it feels like government barely scraped through.

Read the story from The Canberra Times by Ebony Bennett - “Australian voters have every reason to be cynicall.”

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