24 August, 2019

An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg from a Gen-X Investment Banker (and a Plea for Working Together)

Dear Greta,
I have been trying (and failing) to write this letter to you for the last three months. But I keep getting stuck after the first two to three sentences. Then I sit for hours staring at the skyline outside my office window, trying to figure out how I could ever articulate the praise you deserve.

I have been following your environmental activism and how you’ve inspired millions of young people around the world to raise their voices and demand for action on the most immediate threat to our future: global warming.
There are days when I walk down the streets of Stockholm and feel ashamed — of myself, of my generation, and of the work I do. My guilt is not an attempt to excuse or rationalise my generation’s inaction on the global warming issue. Rather, it’s an acknowledgement of the poor decisions we continue to make and the complex narratives we’ve developed to justify our lack of courage.

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