14 August, 2019

Australians, on a per capita basis, are among the world’s worst carbon dioxide emitters.

From The Melbourne Age of August 14.
And so rather than handing over our “hard-earned” cash to a group of island states which never asked for it in the first place, our PM, Scott Morrison should using that money to help our fellows here change their behaviours and so break free off the vice-like grip in which we are held by the fossil fuel industry.

It is true that Australia’s contribution to the world’s carbon dioxide emissions is relatively small and although are a tiny part of the global population, our contribution is huge.

And that would be even larger if we were to take into consideration the emissions we export and if we were to do that, Australia, which on a population basis is vanishingly small, would quickly find itself up among the top five of the world’s worst carbon polluters.

Sadly, many Australian will luxuriate in the promises and action of Scott Morrison believing all is well and being taken care of by our Liberal National Party government, and so without hesitation return to their profligate and energy-rich lifestyles.

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