15 August, 2019

Can Scott Morrison deliver on climate change in Tuvalu – or is his Pacific ‘step up’ doomed?

This week’s Pacific Islands Forum comes at an important time in the overall trajectory of Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s very personal commitment to an Australian “stepping up” in the Pacific

Image result for Can Scott Morrison deliver on climate change in Tuvalu – or is his Pacific ‘step up’ doomed?
Pacific leaders don’t want to talk
about China’s rising influence – they
want Scott Morrison to make a firm
 commitment to cut Australia’s
greenhouse gas emissions.
To paraphrase the PM, you have to show up to step up. And after skipping last year’s Pacific Islands Forum, Morrison has certainly been doing a fair amount of showing up around the region, with visits to Vanuatu and Fiji at the beginning of the year and the Solomon Islands immediately after his election victory.

Add to this his recent hosting of the new PNG prime minister, James Marape, and it is clear there has been significant energy devoted to establishing personal relationships with some of the leaders he will sit down with this week.

Read the story from The Conversation by the Adjunct Associate Professor from the School of Political Science and International Studies at The University of Queensland, Tess Newton Cain - “Can Scott Morrison deliver on climate change in Tuvalu – or is his Pacific ‘step up’ doomed?

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