03 September, 2019

‘Long time coming': Energy cop seeks power to grill company bosses

Australia's energy regulator has called for the swift introduction of powers allowing it to grill electricity and gas executives, as well as stiffer penalties for businesses that imperil the grid.
Outgoing Australian Energy Regulator chair Paula Conboy.
Outgoing Australian Energy
Regulator chair Paula Conboy.
Paula Conboy, who departs this month as chair of the Australian Energy Regulator, said the inability to interrogate individuals and compel them to give evidence in person had impeded investigations of potential breaches of national energy laws.
"We've got a job to do, we have expectations of the job that we can do, so give me the tools so I can do the job that's expected of me," Ms Conboy said. "And one of them is, like any other regulator has, the ability to compel oral evidence."
The need for the powers seemed to have support among Australia's energy ministers, Ms Conboy said, but the legislation was one of a number of proposals facing uncertainty because the federal government has not set a date for the next Council of Australian Governments energy council meeting.

Read the story from The Age by Nick Toscano - “‘Long time coming': Energy cop seeks power to grill company bosses.”

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