23 January, 2020

‘Almost a religious aspect': Tony Abbott downplays link between bushfires and climate change

Washington: Former prime minister Tony Abbott has downplayed the contribution of climate change to the Australian bushfire crisis, telling a US audience he believes the link between extreme weather events and carbon emissions has become akin to a religious dogma for many people.
"His style sometimes grates but he has been a very good president," said Tony Abbott of Donald Trump.
"His style sometimes grates but he has been a very
 good president," said Tony Abbott of Donald Trump.
In a speech to the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank, Abbott also heaped praise on US President Donald Trump, essentially endorsing him for a second term in the White House.
"I'm not one of those people who sees the current bushfires as confirmation of all we've ever feared about the changing climate," he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Washington on Tuesday (Wednesday Australian time).
"I see the current bushfires as the sort of thing that we are always going to be prone to in a country such as ours - a land of droughts and flooding rains as the poet [Dorothea Mackellar] said all those years back."

(This man is a nutter - the adherence of most to the existing capitalism/neoliberalism market system that has resulted in human-induced climate change, is akin to religion, challenge it and you will die, sometimes literally. The Heritage Foundation think tank is where the climate denialists gather, and to quote Dorothea Mackellar is also the common retreat of those of Tony Abbott’s ilk. “My Country” was first published in 1908 and the conditions from then are markedly different from what we have today and so to use Dorothea’s work is the defence of the defenceless  - Robert McLean)

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