22 January, 2020

Scientists hate to say ‘I told you so’. But Australia, you were warned

Those who say “I told you so” are rarely welcomed, yet I am going to say it here. Australian scientists warned the country could face a climate change-driven bushfire crisis by 2020. It arrived on schedule.
Image result for Scientists hate to say ‘I told you so’. But Australia, you were warned
Without a radical change of course on climate
change, Australians will struggle to survive on
this continent, let alone thrive.
For several decades, the world’s scientific community has periodically assessed climate science, including the risks of a rapidly changing climate. Australian scientists have made, and continue to make, significant contributions to this global effort. 
I am an Earth System scientist, and for 30 years have studied how humans are changing the way our planet functions.
Scientists have, clearly and respectfully, warned about the risks to Australia of a rapidly heating climate - more extreme heat, changes to rainfall patterns, rising seas, increased coastal flooding and more dangerous bushfire conditions. We have also warned about the consequences of these changes for our health and well-being, our society and economy, our natural ecosystems and our unique wildlife

Read the story from The Conversation by an Emeritus Professor from the Australian National University, Will Steffen -  “Scientists hate to say ‘I told you so’. But Australia, you were warned.” 

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