24 April, 2020

Coalition is aiming to change Australia's environment laws before review is finished

The environment minister, Sussan Ley, has flagged the government may change Australia’s national environment laws before a review is finished later this year.
Australia’s environment minister Sussan Ley
Environment minister Sussan Ley hopes to introduce ‘early
 pieces of legislation’ before the independent review of the
EPBC Act is finalised.
Ley said she would introduce “early pieces of legislation” to parliament if she could to “really get moving with reforming and revitalising one of our signature pieces of environmental legislation”.
It follows business groups and the government emphasising the need to cut red tape as part of the economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis, and comes as the businessman Graeme Samuel chairs an independent statutory review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. An interim report is due in June, followed by a final report in October.
When the review was announced, the government said it would be used to “tackle green tape” and speed up project approvals.

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