07 May, 2020

Change is afoot

Change is afoot.

The emphasis given to national and international news on Beneath the Wisteria is about to change.

Several generous people have helped me buy a rather special podcasting device, a Rodecaster Pro.
Podcasting has just a few elements that are critically important and among the most important is the quality of the audio; audio that can be perfect using the Rodecaster Pro.

The challenge is, however, that learning a whole new skillset at 72 can be rather stressful and so the several hours a day spent on trawling through national and international news sites for climate crisis news will now be devoted to learning more about audio and podcasting.

To date, I have produced more than 200 episodes of “Climate Conversations” of varying quality, from tragic to not so bad, but it’s my aim to lift the overall standard as in the final analysis, the podcast lives  or dies on the quality of the actual content and the audio itself.

Beneath the Wisteria will, from here, be more about what actually happens at our monthly gatherings, what is happening in the wider Goulburn Valley and within Shepparton itself.

Comment is welcome - contact Robert McLean on 0400 502 199.

Also, check-out “Climate Conversations”.

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