17 February, 2014

Doubters told to 'put up or shut up'

Those convinced our climate is changing and that humans are responsible can prove that with indisputable facts.

The skeptics, those chose to ignore what science is telling us and favour fantasy and fallacious ideologies don’t see themselves in any need to prove anything.

Oddly, and confusingly, those same people seem to be assembling behind the idea that geoengineering projects, massive in scale and cost, and aimed at resolving the very troubles we have set in train will slow climate change.

In the first instance they disagree, but then they want us to risk it all in which life on earth is the bet.

There is a contradiction there that first alarms me and illustrates that the reason the doubters lay claim to is absolutely absent.

A story published on The Guardian headed: “Climate change: time for the sceptics to put up or shut up” argues it is time those same doubter had an international conference and told us what it is they really believe.

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