24 May, 2014

Sit back and watch at the West Antartic ice sheet melts

Bradley Odpyke.
A few decades ago the likely outcomes of climate change were thought to be little more than hypothetical projections.

That has all changed – although those projections, which were never conjectural at all for they were measurable scientific realities, they have now become something that can actually be seen.

Of course, while all the remarkable weather events of the past decade could be seen, and felt, the where always discounted by the doubters as nothing more than a continuation of the world’s natural viability in the weather.

Now however, the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet is a clearly visible outcome of climate change.

Writing on The Conversation, a researcher in physical and mathematical sciences at the Australian National University, Bradley Opdyke, says in a story headed: “We can now only watch as West Antarctic ice sheets collapse” described this “worrying moment”.

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