10 July, 2014

The voice of yesterday, influencing critical decisions of today

-       Robert McLean
Listening to Senator Bob Day this morning on Radio National makes me reach for the tissues as the tears begin to flow.
Family First's Senator
Bob Day - living in the
past and taking us with

This new and powerful senator, as it turns out, will vote today on the future of Australia’s carbon tax, bringing to the conversation a collection of views and opinions that might have been applicable a century ago, but have been superseded in every sense and are now grossly outmoded.

The South Australian Family First senator is a self-declared climate skeptic, who has lived and succeeded in a society built on the science he now denies – I’m confused.

It is worth spending nearly 10 minutes to listen to “Carbon tax repeal: Bob Day” to hear, and better understand how and why the Abbott Government is in a position to repeal carbon tax legislation to dump Australia in with the minority of climate change “foot-draggers”.

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