24 April, 2016

Climate change is imminent public health threat

‘The World Health Organization and a vast network of doctors and nurses calls for a climate deal to emphasize the danger to human health’

An international alliance of doctors, nurses and other health professionals concerned about the impacts of climate change is urging governments to reach a strong agreement at the ongoing United Nations' climate negotiations in Paris.

Declarations of a global medical consensus on climate change signed by 1,700 health organizations, 8,200 hospitals and health facilities and 13 million health professionals were released Saturday at the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

The declarations, which include the first ever "call to action" on climate change by the World Health Organization, represent a shift in public opinion that brings concern over climate change further into the mainstream, campaign organizers said.

"Climate change, and all of its dire consequences for health, should be at centre-stage, right now, whenever talk turns to the future of human civilizations. After all, that's what's at stake," said Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization.

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