26 July, 2016

Trump populist groudswell must be checked to advoid climate change

by Robert McLean

The populist groundswell that has handed Donald Trump Republican presidential candidacy in the November U.S. election is what needs to be checked if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided.

Donald Trump - the Washington Post says
he is a danger to America and the world.
The real estate billionaire (claimed, as no-one has as yet seen his tax returns) appeals to base emotions and although his apparent wealth comes from being shoulder-deep in the neoliberal establishment, he portrays himself as a simple soul, absolutely in touch with those from a wholly different socio-economic stratum.

It is the likes of Donald Trump who must be addressed if the world is to stand any chance of avoiding the worst of climate change.

Trump is a climate denialist and so as you know where he stands, it becomes a little easier to deal with him.

However, he is becoming a powerful and influential fellow with legions of loyal followers and so “dealing with him” is becoming increasingly difficult.

Climate change is a wicked problem for which there is no simplistic answer, but Trump has prized open his popularity with promises of simple solutions to everything, appealing to Americans feeling downtrodden by, confusingly, the very processes that have made Trump rich.

Countering climate change is not going to be easy, but Trump in his “I love you” approach has not for a moment allowed his supporters any sense of challenge or difficulty in “making America great again”.

His promise of making America great again means a strengthening of or a return to the America that was until recently the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases. It’s now second only to China and with Trump in charge, the U.S. would be back at the top of the list.

There is more to Trump than his disregard for matters about which the world’s climate scientists concern themselves, although that is obviously the most critical, for the “might is right” view is a part of his platform and as the Washington Post says in an editorial he is a danger to both America and the world.

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