31 August, 2016

Cigarettes, asbestos, now fossil fuels paid for with public health

Most everyone from Noam Chomsky down know that the business fraternity clearly and unambiguously puts profit ahead of people, and the natural implication of that is that public health is compromised, as is the broader health of the planet, something upon which the general health and wellbeing of humanity depends – Robert McLean)

Noam Chomsky - profit before people.
The decisions reached at the recent Coag energy council meeting are reminiscent of a long series of failures to understand the impacts of powerful business on the health of the community.

The failures extend historically from tobacco, to asbestos to the health scourges of coal, and now to the health and community impacts of the unconventional gas industry.

It is too much to believe that governments fail to understand the implications.

Just 30 years ago, Australia was awash with tobacco advertising and promotion by tobacco companies and their agents through multiple media outlets and sporting organisations, supported by newspaper editorials opposed to any restrictions.

Major political parties readily accepted large donations, and some individual politicians were not immune to personal gifts and favours. Tobacco lobbyists had ready access to legislators to ensure that measures to deal with the health consequences were thwarted.

Read Kingsley Faulkner’s story on The Guardian - “Cigarettes, asbestos, now fossil fuels. How big business impacts public health.”

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