03 September, 2016

A fourth attempt to decarbonize the economy

Greens senator, Larisa Waters is opposed
to Queensland's giant Adani mine.
Just as they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat, so there are a lot of ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and "decarbonise" the economy. We've tried three ways so far, and now we may try a fourth.

The Rudd government tried to introduce an emissions trading scheme in 2009, but it was blocked in the Senate when the Greens joined the Tony Abbott-led opposition in voting it down.

When the Greens came to their senses, the Gillard government introduced a carbon tax in 2012, which it preferred to refer to euphemistically as "a price on carbon".

When Abbott came to power in 2013, he abolished the carbon tax and replaced it with "direct action" - using an emissions reduction fund to pay farmers and others to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

Read Ross Gittins writing in today’s Melbourne Age - “A 'fourth way' in cutting carbon emissions.”

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