03 September, 2016

Cherry picking to deny what is real

by DC Petterson
Deniers adopt their usual position.
I recently had a friend tell me that the number of hot days in the United States has declined over the last eighty years, thus proving that if the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is having an effect on climate, it must be cooling the United States. To prove this claim, he showed me the graphic I include below.

A quick Google image search revealed the graphic was taken from climate science denier Tony Heller, aka “Steve Goddard,” via his conspiracy website ironically titled “RealClimateScience.” (I won’t link to it because I don’t want to increase his income from views to the ads on his site.)

The graphic above isn’t the one my friend showed me. I’ll present that one below, if you want to read more.

Note this graphic purportedly compares the number of weather stations reporting temperatures over 105 degrees F so far this year to the number reporting temperatures over 105 degrees F in 1936. I haven’t checked whether his data is accurate. Let’s take it as given.

Read the Unfinished Progress story - “Combating Climate Science Denial– A Brief Case Study.”

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