05 September, 2016

CCA pair say latest report is 'untrue and dangerous'

Professor David Karoly as pictured in today's Age.
High-profile members of the federal government's Climate Change Authority have launched a stinging critique of their colleagues, accusing them of giving "untrue and dangerous" advice that ignores what science demands.

Board members David Karoly, an internationally recognised scientist, and Clive Hamilton, an academic and author, have published a dissenting report criticising the authority's advice to the government released last week.

The split is over whether the authority's role is to give unflinching science-based advice or, after years of policy failure in Canberra, recommend what is politically achievable.

It follows then environment minister Greg Hunt's appointment of five new board members last year, including former Coalition politicians.

Read Adam Morton’s story in today’s Melbourne Age - “'Untrue and dangerous': Climate Change Authority board at war over own advice.

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