14 January, 2017

Devastating global warming is inevitable due to in action of international community, says leading economist

William Nordhaus would be known to
 many climate activists through his
 book, "The Climate Casino."
The world can no longer avoid dangerous global warming because countries have done little to tackle the problem apart from spout “rhetoric”, a leading economist has warned.

Professor William Nordhaus, of Yale University in the US, said it was no longer practicably feasible to keep the level of warming to within two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the point at which climatologists believe the world will start to experience particularly dangerous climate change.

This would see devastating storms, droughts, deadly heat waves and floods all become significantly more common, making some areas of the planet increasingly difficult for humans to inhabit.

The US military, among others, has expressed concern about the security implications of the mass movements of people that such scenarios would likely bring about.

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