12 March, 2017

I saw the Great Barrier Reef die last weekend, and I wept

Coral that survived previous bleaching
 is now bleached, and coral that was
bleached is now dead after algae attacked it.
This is not a crime against humanity. This is a crime by humanity. We have sentenced to death the largest living structure on the planet: the Great Barrier Reef. The sentence is being carried out slowly and painfully before our eyes.

Yes, the catastrophic bleaching of the 2015-16 summer got some media attention and got a bit of playing down, too. But in some ways, the 2016-17 summer was worse for the reef. Not in what happened but in what didn't happen.

Read the story in today Sydney Morning Herald why Crispin Hull - “I saw the Great Barrier Reef die last weekend, and I wept.”

(Crispin Hull is fundamental correct when he when he questions “against” or “by”, but I wonder is humanity an entity that is in someway different from the species that wanders the planet known as home sapiens? That, however, is a somewhat esoteric question, but it is another case in which the whole if greater than the sum of its parts as Aristotle asked? - Robert McLean)  

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