People who work for climate science denial thinktanks tend not to spend all that much time worrying about getting stuff into scientific journals.
Participants at a 2015 UN climate conference look at a world map of rising global temperatures. |
Perhaps because it’s easier, people who are paid to tell the public and policy makers that human-caused climate change is overblown bunk would rather pump out newspaper columns, do softball interviews or push out their own self-published reports. There’s a lot less scrutiny in that kind of public relations.
So when two staffers at Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs managed to get some “science” into a journal earlier this month, there was much delight in conservative media outlets, together with a distinct lack of any genuine scepticism.
Global Warming Is Almost Entirely Natural, Study Confirms,” wrote Breitbart. “Advanced Computer Models Suggest Most Global Warming Is From Natural Forces,” said the Daily Caller.
Read Graham Readfearn’s story on The Guardian - “Why the IPA's claim global warming is natural is 'junk science’.”
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