23 September, 2017

Tony Abbott's gut v Elon Musk's brain and billions: which would you follow?

South Australia has one of the highest concentrations of renewable energy in the world. And its government was recently the first to announce a state-based bank tax. But while Australians have been told these "reckless" policies will destroy jobs and discourage investment, some of the world's most-successful entrepreneurs recently chose to invest big in the state. How could this be?

Over time, Tony Abbott, who now champions
 coal, has both supported and opposed
 carbon taxes, emissions-trading schemes
 and renewable-energy targets. 
Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, who gave the world PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX, recently secured the bid to build the world's largest battery-storage plant in South Australia. English billionaire Sanjeev Gupta, whose family fortune was made in good old-fashioned steel, recently bought the Whyalla steelworks. Either these businessmen didn't do their due diligence or what conservative politicians tell us about South Australia is utter nonsense. I know which way I'd lean.

Read the column in The Canberra Times by Richard Denniss - “Tony Abbott's gut v Elon Musk's brain and billions: which would you follow?

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