09 April, 2018

Why Liddell is likely to close in 2022, and why you shouldn’t care

Out of respect for wishes of the RSL and the family of an Australian energy pioneer, the newly formed bomb-throwing “ginger group” needs a new name. Since they’re not approaching the task with any apparent alacrity, I propose we go with the initials of Joyce, Abbott, Andrews, Abetz, Canavan and Kelly: JAAACK.
With a free plant, half price fuel and a strong market,
AGL are “killing it”, but they know the good times won’t 
As in, “you don’t know JAAACK about energy”.

Last week JAAACK threw what’s known as a dead cat on the table, essentially demanding that government subsidise the construction of a new coal power station – a position so preposterous that the disunity in the party would be front and centre this week.

What JAAACK might not know, or care to know, is that two Australian attempts to build coal power stations already failed this decade.

Read the story by Simon Holmes à Court from The Guardian - “Why Liddell is likely to close in 2022, and why you shouldn’t care.”

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