25 August, 2019

Amazon fires fought by tens of thousands of Brazilian troops in 'unprecedented' operations

Backed by military aircraft, Brazilian troops have deployed in the Amazon to fight fires that have swept the region and prompted anti-government protests as well as an international outcry.

A C-130 Hercules aircraft dumps water over the canopy of the Amazon rainforest.
The military will use two C-130 Hercules aircraft
capable of dumping up to 12,000 litres of water on fires.
President Jair Bolsonaro also tried to temper global concern, saying that previously deforested areas had burned and that intact rainforest was spared.

Even so, the fires are likely to be urgently discussed at a summit of the Group of Seven leaders in France this weekend.

Some 44,000 troops will be available for "unprecedented" operations to put out the fires, and forces are heading to six Brazilian states that asked for federal help, Defence Minister Fernando Azevedo said.

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