25 August, 2019

California looks to Australia for ways to manage its groundwater after worst-ever drought

In the powerhouse food bowl of California, the impact of its most recent drought — which finally ended in 2017 after eight gruelling years — continues to be felt across the sunshine state.

San Luis Dam, Los Banos, California’s fifth-largest reservoir, only about 10% full
San Luis Dam is California's fifth-largest reservoir
but fell to less than 10 per cent capacity during the drought.
Farmers, experts and lawmakers are working to find more sustainable ways to droughtproof farms and address the vexed issue of water allocation.

And it turns out many farmers and water experts in California are looking to Australia for answers as they face up to the biggest water reforms in the history of the US.

When California's worst drought in history ended in 2017, it cost the country $US3.8 billion ($AU5.6 billion) and exposed deep flaws in its water management processes.

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