25 August, 2019

As the Amazon Burns, Europe Seizes Title of Climate Champion

PARIS — As the Amazon burned and the world faced an ecological disaster, President Emmanuel Macron of France bluntly criticized Brazil’s leader this week and threatened to kill a major trade deal between Europe and Brazil.
Under increasing international pressure to contain
fires sweeping parts of the Amazon, President Jair
Bolsonaro of Brazil on Friday authorized use of the
 military to battle the massive blazes.
President Trump, on the other hand, posted a tweet only Friday evening, saying that the United States was ready to help contain the fires, but adding that “future trade prospects” between the United States and Brazil “are very exciting.”

The contrast highlighted the gap in leadership on issues affecting the global climate. As the Trump administration denies established climate science and has abandoned an international accord intended to fight global warming, European leaders have energetically stepped in to take up the mantle of leadership.

Read the story from The New York Times by Norimitsu Onishi - “As the Amazon Burns, Europe Seizes Title of Climate Champion."

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