27 August, 2019

Seven strategies to put your diet on a plant-based path

A plant-based diet may have seemed extreme years ago, but today it's all the rage – and for good reason. In many ways the planet and human health are in trouble, and a plant-centric diet is one way to address both issues.
Little by little is the way to change up your diet.
Little by little is the way to change up your diet.
More than 10,000 studies in peer-reviewed medical journals show that a diet based on whole plant foods leads to higher life expectancy and lower rates of cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and most other chronic ailments. "If you eat the standard American diet, you're going to get the standard American diseases," says Ocean Robbins, co-founder of the Food Revolution Network and author of 31-Day Food Revolution.

Read the story from The Sydney Morning Herald by Michelle Washington - “Seven strategies to put your diet on a plant-based path.”

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