27 August, 2019

5 Reasons Why the Paris Agreement is a Joke (and How We Can Fix It)

The Paris climate agreement is a joke. And I should know — I was there when it was drafted.

Image result for 5 Reasons Why the Paris Agreement is a Joke (and How We Can Fix It)
Paris celebrations!
Three and a half years ago, I was one of the hundreds of politicians and heads of industry who convened in Paris with a singular goal: Devise a plan to combat global warming and avoid a global environmental disaster.

We quickly realised that doing so would require an international public works project the scale of which the world has never seen. The political leaders deliberated for a month about to how to accomplish such a momentous feat, with myself and the other financial professionals in attendance offering guidance.

The group eventually settled on a wide-ranging pledge to reduce carbon emissions, invest in sustainable energy and minimise any further damage to the environment. The agreement was signed by 195 countries and was quickly celebrated as a historic achievement. The climate crisis has been averted, people thought at the time.

Read the Medium story by Sasja Beslik - “5 Reasons Why the Paris Agreement is a Joke (and How We Can Fix It).”

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