27 August, 2019

The Five Stages of Climate Optimism

During a recent visit to The Daily Show to discuss the global broadcast of 24 Hours of Reality: Protect Our Planet, Protect Ourselves, former Vice President Al Gore, had this to say about the recent flurry of scientific reports about climate change: 


“It is hard at times to hear all that and feel the tragedy of it and maintain your hope and optimism that we’re gonna solve this problem. I continue to believe that we will, because we have faced almost insurmountable obstacles in the past… and we have rallied, as human beings, to do what’s right.” 

Even as scientists uncover distressing new information about climate change impacts and tell us that we have only a few years to make enormous global changes if we’re to avoid the worst, here at Climate Reality we remain optimistic. 

We keep our #ClimateHope tanks filled in many different ways, but here are five things we’ve found to be particularly helpful in staying optimistic that we will solve this crisis and enjoy a safe, sustainable future. 

Read the story from The Climate Reality Project - “The Five Stages of Climate Optimism.”

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