24 August, 2019

We’re Living Through A Climate Emergency Right Now — We Just Aren’t Paying Attention

As climate change continues to roll along, the world is watching weather-related records fall and long-predicted catastrophes take place. Here’s a look at the mess we’re in right now.

A wildfire in Alaska.
NASA called it a “major melting event.” A European heat wave at the end of July scorched Greenland, where the melting surface ice records have fallen, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. From July 30 to Aug. 3, about 55 billion tons melted and ran off from Greenland — more than twice the average of past decades — and 90% of its surface felt temperatures above freezing.

On the plus side, 2019 is not looking likely to beat the loss from 2012, the record year for total ice melt from Greenland and the wider Arctic. Ice loss from Greenland is a bigger worry for coastlines worldwide than floating sea ice because it contributes to sea level rise.

Nevertheless, it's worth noting that the Arctic sea ice covering the ocean in July was the lowest ever seen in 29 years of satellite measurement.

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