02 September, 2019

20 million Americans urged to act as ‘apocalyptic hurricane’ Dorian rolls in

Hurricane Dorian, the second strongest Atlantic storm on record, has pounded the Bahamian islands of Great Abaco and Grand Bahama and is forecast to move dangerously close to Florida in coming days, US forecasters say.
hurrican dorian florida
Dorian, as seen from the International Space Station. 
Eyewitness News in the Bahamas reported late on Sunday (local time) that an eight-year-old boy had been killed in the Abaco Islands.
Ingird McIntosh told the news website her daughter had told her own two children were missing. The boy’s body was later found; it is thought he drowned.
There have been power outages across the islands as they have weathered Dorian, and communication lines are cut in and out.
Grand Bahama Island had earlier been warned to expect “catastrophic” storm surges up to seven metres above normal tide levels, with higher destructive waves, the Miami-based US National Hurricane Centre said.

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