01 September, 2019

Faunal extinction is a huge part of the climate emergency

A normal week, another loss of koala habitat for new housing estates, of forest to provide jobs in the logging industry, of land clearance for gas development and agriculture. The litany of destruction is relentless. Australian governments march on with progress with billions of dollars for infrastructure to make the growing population more mobile, urban expansion. But there are much greater financial priorities.
A dead koala was found crushed in its own habitat in Victoria's Acheron Valle in 2017. Picture: Friends of the Earth
A dead koala was found crushed in its own
habitat in Victoria's Acheron Valle in 2017.
Australia is participating in a worldwide biodiversity crisis, and the koala is a public face of this; the canary in the deteriorating mine of life. Thousands of species are threatened or have become extinct. The climate emergency is the main cause, but there are many others which emanate from economic growth and its consumption of natural resources. 

Read the story from The Canberra Times by David Shearman - “Faunal extinction is a huge part of the climate emergency.” 

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