23 January, 2020

Andrew Forrest says fuel loads, not climate change, are primary cause of bushfires

London: Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest has repeated his unsubstantiated claim that the bushfires are primarily caused by fuel loads and arson during an international television appearance in which he called for donors to fund new climate research, saying "the science has so far to go."
Andrew Forrest wants donors around the world to contribute to his private Fire Fund.
Andrew Forrest wants donors around the
 world to contribute to his private Fire Fund.
Twiggy, as he is commonly known in Australia, wants donors around the world to contribute to his private Fire Fund to which he and his wife Nicola have contributed $50 million to build resilience to natural disasters.
Mr Forrest is aiming to raise half a billion dollars for his foundation and told CNN that it would fund new "peer-reviewed science into climate change," saying the "science has so far to go."
"Arsonists have had a horrible impact, the fuel load has probably had the greatest impact," he told interviewer Christine Amanpour.
Read the story from The Age by Latika Bourke - “Andrew Forrest says fuel loads, not climate change, are primary cause of bushfires.”

(Twiggy Forrest needs to stick to his knitting as he obviously knows nothing about climate change and bushfires - the climate science is settled, despite his musings, and the impact of human activity on the world’s climate system has been clearly understood for decades.
Arsonists had almost zero impact on Australia recent bushfire crisis (former NSW fire and rescue boss, Greg Mullins put it at about one per cent) and the trouble caused by fuel loads was insignificant.
The trouble has been, and is, the hot and dry conditions caused by human-induced climate change, which is already thoroughly understood.

Money buys influence, but not, obviously intelligence - Robert McLean)

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