23 January, 2020

Green group launches court bid to block Great Australian Bight drilling

The Wilderness Society has launched a high-stakes legal bid, backed by local government and traditional owners, to overturn federal environmental approval for deep-sea oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight.
The Wilderness Society has launched court action in the Federal Court in an effort to overturn the decision to allow Norwegian company Equinor to conduct drilling in the Great Australian Bight.
The Wilderness Society has launched court action in the Federal Court in
an effort to overturn the decision to allow Norwegian company Equinor
 to conduct drilling in the Great Australian Bight. 
The group filed documents in the Federal Court in Adelaide last week, challenging the federal regulator's decision to grant conditional approval to Norwegian energy company Equinor to take part in deep-sea oil exploration about 400 kilometres off the South Australian coast.

Read the story from The Age by Bianca Hall - “Green group launches court bid to block Great Australian Bight drilling.”

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