23 January, 2020

Victorian Liberals call on Morrison to adopt 'sensible' emissions reductions targets

Victorian Liberal leader Michael O'Brien has called on the federal government to adopt long-term "sensible" emissions reduction targets, saying communities and businesses need certainty beyond 2030.
Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien says Victoria "absolutely" can, and should, be a leader on tackling climate change.
Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien says Victoria "absolutely"
can, and should, be a leader on tackling climate change.
Mr O'Brien's comments will present another climate strategy headache for Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who has openly brawled with the NSW Liberal government over a lack of long-term federal climate policy and the use of Kyoto carryover credits to meet Australia's 2030 Paris commitment.
Read the story from The Age by Summeya Ilanbey - “Victorian Liberals call on Morrison to adopt 'sensible' emissions reductions targets.”

(“Sensible” is zero-emissions and even wiser, are negative emissions - Robert McLean)

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