24 January, 2020

Climate change is a crisis but don't call it an ‘apocalypse

Lately, it seems everyone wants to talk about the impending apocalypse - and the latest news about the Doomsday Clock moving forward won’t quell fears.
Doomsday Clock now closest it's ever been to midnight
Australia's bushfires have played a role in
pushing the Doomsday ever closer to midnight,
The Doomsday Clock, a long-running project by the non-profit Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, now stands at 100 seconds to midnight. This is the closest it has been to calamity since it started in 1947, even at the height of the Cold War.
The organisation cited the risk of nuclear war, the threat of climate change and the threat multiplier of information warfare.
Meanwhile, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the global elite are discussing agenda items such as “Averting a Climate Apocalypse”. After a summer of bushfires that ain’t over yet, it’s a hot topic for ordinary Australians too.

Read the story from The Age by Caitlin Fitzsimmons - “Climate change is a crisis but don't call it an ‘apocalypse.”

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